This movie had me at a loss for words after I saw it, but what else would I have expected from the guy who brought us "Borat?" Anyway, the movie Bruno is an over the top documentary about an outrageously gay Austrian fashion designer who tries to make it big in the states. Just like in his previous movie, Sacha Baron Cohen plays a character who infiltrates our U.S. culture and shows its not so pleasant and intolerant nature in very outrageous ways. You haven seen gay characters try to be funny in movies before but I promise you you have never seen a more homosexual character in a movie than Bruno. But that is the problem with the movie, Bruno is too gay, yes too gay. He is so over the top with his sexuality that it's really not that funny, it's obvious that he is trying to make everyone as uncomfortable as possible. Along with his sexuality the movie in general tries a little bit to hard in my opinion, just take the opening scenes with Bruno and his boyfriend and you'll know what I mean. Don't get me wrong though the movie does have its funny parts including the scene with Bruno and his boyfriend. My favorite scenes include Paula Abdul (yes), a shaman, and a dominatrix at a swingers party, it's just too much. Also, I like how Bruno's character brings to light our American culture and its flaws such as our intolerance of homosexuals and the exploitation of U.S. immigrants.(
If you see the movie you will see what I mean, quite literally.) Anyway, I'm not really sure what to suggest about this movie since I feel it is something you have to see for yourself to decide if it was good or not, it's a personal experience. Definitely don't go if you're easily offended, especially when it comes to issues of race, religion, and sexual orientation. I give Bruno 3 out of 5 *'s <('.'<)