
Iron Man 2 Pics: Johansson as Black Widow

So I follow Jon Favreau on Twitter and he just gave a link to an article showing an Entertainment Weekly magazine cover showing the stars from his upcoming movie Iron Man 2. On the cover you can see Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, and Mickey Rourke dressed up as Iron Man, Black Widow, and Whiplash respectively. Further into the article is a picture of Johansson in the middle of a scene as the Black Widow. I'm kind of a fanatic when it comes to comic books and superheroes so I may be just a little too excited about this but I can't wait for the movie, it's looking like it's going to be great. Here is the link to the article: "EW Cover" and here's Favreau's Twitter if you want to follow him, his twitter is one of the few worth following. <('.'<)


Google Voice

This seems so revolutionary and simple. Google voice is essentially a universal contact system. Voice gives you a personal phone number, which your friends and family can contact you with. With Voice you can choose where people are sent when they call a specific number given to you by Google. Your calls can be forwarded to your mobile phone, home phone, or your computer. You can set up as many phones as you would like to the system and choose which ones will get forwarded calls. You can even specify certain callers to go to certain phone or even go straight to voicemail. Calls can be screened before you even answer, imagine listening to the caller before you even pick up! You can also record calls, listen to them on your computer or even download voicemails for playback on your computer. The service is only available by invite right now, you can sign up for an inivitation here as well as learn more about this truly awesome service. <('.'<)


The Verdict: Bruno

This movie had me at a loss for words after I saw it, but what else would I have expected from the guy who brought us "Borat?" Anyway, the movie Bruno is an over the top documentary about an outrageously gay Austrian fashion designer who tries to make it big in the states. Just like in his previous movie, Sacha Baron Cohen plays a character who infiltrates our U.S. culture and shows its not so pleasant and intolerant nature in very outrageous ways. You haven seen gay characters try to be funny in movies before but I promise you you have never seen a more homosexual character in a movie than Bruno. But that is the problem with the movie, Bruno is too gay, yes too gay. He is so over the top with his sexuality that it's really not that funny, it's obvious that he is trying to make everyone as uncomfortable as possible. Along with his sexuality the movie in general tries a little bit to hard in my opinion, just take the opening scenes with Bruno and his boyfriend and you'll know what I mean. Don't get me wrong though the movie does have its funny parts including the scene with Bruno and his boyfriend. My favorite scenes include Paula Abdul (yes), a shaman, and a dominatrix at a swingers party, it's just too much. Also, I like how Bruno's character brings to light our American culture and its flaws such as our intolerance of homosexuals and the exploitation of U.S. immigrants.(If you see the movie you will see what I mean, quite literally.) Anyway, I'm not really sure what to suggest about this movie since I feel it is something you have to see for yourself to decide if it was good or not, it's a personal experience. Definitely don't go if you're easily offended, especially when it comes to issues of race, religion, and sexual orientation. I give Bruno 3 out of 5 *'s <('.'<)

Dopest Video I've Seen In a While. Fraternities Step It Up!


The Only Way I'm Going to See the New Harry Potter Movie

Megan Plotter!!!!


Obama Ass Peek

OK listen up people, there is no reason why this should even be a hot topic. Some wise guy or girl decided to make still shots out of video of Obama at the G8 summit helping a woman down from a platform. While Obama is helping this woman come down from the platform behind him another woman is climbing up. As Obama looks down to make sure there is space to help the woman come down it looks like he is looking at the other woman's butt. (Look at the video at the link below) Crazy what you can do when you freeze video huh? People are just trying to find ways to bring Obama down, hang in there buddy. <('.'<)

Video Clears Up Obama Photo


Jay Leno and a 3D Scanner for car parts

I couldn't believe this when I saw it. The scanner takes thousands of measurements per second, and even records the color of the car part and makes up a 3D model with the accompanied software on your computer. Once the model is uploaded to your computer you can then have a plastic copy made from the 3D model on your computer. This plastic model is made to scale from the original part and is used to make sure the replacement part will fit without making expensive copies that may or may not fit. <('.'<)


Happy 4th of July

Well it's that time of year again, the time of year you know it's Summer for pretty much everybody, that time when you hit the beach, bbq, or party. It's definitely that time of year for some fireworks, and it is undoubtedly that time of year to remember we're free. Thank you to all our service men and women past and present for fighting for this great country, you never receive half the thanks you deserve but hopefully today more people will recognize the tremendous effort you have put toward s protecting this country. <('.'<)


Ron Artest a Laker!?

Wow I really think this is a mistake, what do you think? Less then two months ago Artest was all up in Kobe's face trying to clown him in the semi-finals. And let's not forget the fiasco when he was a Pacer. Money talks and Artest is a good player but I don't think he is the right fit for the team. Ariza is out so I guess they need someone to fill the void but I'm just not sure it's going to work. <('.'<)

Apple iTunes


Optimus Prime as a Bike?!

Yes, yes the people at Pedal ID did a collaboration with the people of Transformers and made this awesome 1/9 scale toy bike. This bike is going run you $35 dollars but it comes with fully customizable wheels and Optimus Prime themed frame. Optimus Prime, roll out! <('.'<)

Michael Jackson at Tour Rehearsal

Seems like Jackson still had the moves, would have been a concert for the ages. <('.'<)

Drake "The Best I Ever Had" Video

Drake "Best I Ever Had" from kwest on Vimeo.

This music video has it all, a good song, beautiful women, beautiful women wearing gym clothes, and beautiful women sweating and stretching, you can't go wrong. <('.'<)

Karmaloop LLC