The Verdict: Terminator: Salvation & Star Trek

So last night I killed two birds with one stone and saw both Terminator: Salvation and Star Trek, for $6.50 mind you. Both movies were awesome, good stories great special effects, and good acting, they definitely kick off the summer movie season right.

First, I'll start with Terminator: Salvation, very good movie. I have been a Terminator fan ever since T2 and I'm glad to say "Salvation" stayed true to the franchise and added some new things to it at the same time. When you first start the movie you will notice that there is a much darker feel to this movie than any other previous Terminator movie. All the movies before this one have been leading up to "Judgment Day" or the nuclear holocaust brought on by the machines of Skynet and now you get to see John Connor and his resistance in action. Without giving the story away the film puts a lot of focus on Marcus Wright and his unique situation. His character development is not only important to John Connor and the war against the machines but it also gives the movie much depth and brings up the issue of morality and the relationship between men and machines. Aside from the story there is a lot of top notch action and special effects. The film also pays tribute to the past films with key scenes, lines, and character appearances, which you will see throughout the film. If you're a Terminator fan this is a no brainer, you won't be disappointed, especially after T3. Even if you're not a Terminator fan, if you love action movies with amazing special effects and a good story go see this movie, this is the stuff summer movies are made of. I give this one 5 out of 5 *'s.

I have never really been a serious Star Trek fan but being the son of two Star Trek fanatics I have watched all the TV series. Going into the film I was very excited because I have always been a huge fan of JJ Abrams and the special effects in the previews looked unbelievable. Although I knew the back story to Star Trek one of the first things I noticed was that the film was setup so that the story was told from the beginning to accommodate those who have never seen Star Trek before. For those who are devout fans, although the movie doesn't follow the exact plot of the original series it does stay pretty close by using the same iconic characters as well as the same ship, the U.S.S enterprise. The cast of characters are very intriguing especially to the younger crowd. Everyone from Kirk to Spock are exciting young characters who have their own distinguished qualities, which helps carry the movie very far. As expected the special effects blew me away, especially during the combat scenes in space, it's just amazing. Without going into the story too much James T. Kirk enlists into Starfleet Academy and later finds himself fighting alongside his crew against a hostile alien group. For fans and non-fans alike Star Trek is another awesome summer movie that has action, special effects, and a good storyline wrapped altogether in one nice package. I give this movie 5 out of 5 *'s. <('.'<)
Lost & Found
I finally got my video done, it was a lot of fun to make, I mean it was my Freshman year! Enjoy. <('.'<)
This Guy is Jacked Up!
When I saw this I didn't know whether to laugh or feel bad for the guy! Definitely don't want to be in the ring with this guy. <('.'<)
This Guy is Insane!!!
The whole world is this guy's playground, I just want to learn to do "one" back flip. <('.'<)
This is why I wear my James jersey above all other jerseys. I was a "witness" last night. <('.'<)
3D Art Class!!!
Being a graphic design student I've had to take a foundation class in 3D art so here is some of the work from the class. I'm pretty proud of it :) <('.'<)
I'm Jerkin' on CSULB Campus!!!
Been waiting to do this for a while but my boy Antonio finally got it done. Big shout out to all the other Jerks and everyone Jerkin'. Get it! <('.'<)
Tricks Are for Kids: Matt
tricks are for kids : Matt from Marwin Ou on Vimeo.
My boy Matt Spencer doing his thing. The music and editing is sick. <('.'<)
Latest Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Trailer!!!!
You know I've been slacking on my blog when I don't post a new Transformers trailer when its been out for about a week. <('.'<)
The Verdict: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

So last week I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine with some of my friends. I was actually really excited for this movie because I'm a big X-Men fan and grew up watching the cartoons and enjoyed the previous three motion picture films. First of all, if you take anything from this movie it is definitely an action film, explosions, violence, special effects, fight scenes, you name it's there. The story was interesting, seeing how Wolverine became Wolverine but it did kind of lose steam towards the end, falling to all the action in the film. If you're a die hard fan of the X-Men and Wolverine in particular there is a lot you won't like about this movie. The storyline is very inaccurate and you see that from the very beginning but in the movie's defense it is their adaptation and previous X-Men film fell away from the original storyline as well. Overall the film was a good action movie with a decent story but I didn't think it matched the hype it put out. Don't get me wrong the numbers don't lie, $83 million in one weekend, but don't go thinking you're going to see one of the best movies of the summer. I give this one 3 out of 5 *'s. <('.'<)
Peter Bjorn - Nothing to Worry About
I've been wanting to put this video up for the longest time. It's just so unique and the whole biker gang with their hair and dancing is so intriguing. <('.'<)
Just Hype

More people will die from the regular flu strain this year than the swine flu and with the number of cases declining it was all just blown out of proportion. <('.'<)
Art Student Makes Car Invisible

Sara Watson, design student makes a car seem invisible by painting it to merge with its surroundings. From one art student to another, awesome!!!! <('.'<)
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