
Comic Con 2008

Comic Con International at the San Diego Convention Center this year was amazing. I went on the opening day and as usual it was packed. This year, all general admission and passes were done online, so there were no long lines to buy tickets. After everyone checked in and received their lanyard it was off to the races. If you have ever been to Comic Con before, you know you can find any kind of fan boy or nerd there and surprisingly a lot of them are beautiful girls! Each year hundreds of guests come dressed in homemade costumes portraying as their favorite characters from comics to movies and beyond. I think the best thing about the convention is you never know what will happen. Breaking movies news, exclusive collectible items, video games, you name it and it is there. Dozens of well - known celebrities walk around the exhibits side by side with some of their biggest fans like they're an everyday person, it's truly exciting. Walking into the convention you will always walk out with a huge bag of swag. This year I left with a bunch of stuff including a huge "Saw IV" poster, a free spiderman light keychain, a professional artist pen, t shirts, comics, and so much more. I even got a custom drawing done by the guys from explosm.net, I'll post that later. While I was there I got to play the new "Street Fighter IV" game at the Capcom booth and picked up a limited edition Street Fighter Shadaloo fitted cap. I was also interviewed by the local San Diego resource channel it will be airing in August, so I'll have that for you guys as well. This year was great and I can't wait for next year and I suggest for all those who are curious and are into movies, comics, video games, or television should check online and get ready for next year's show. (._.)

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