So it's been a good break, definitely needed the time away from the Beach. I've had a lot of time to myself to get stuff done, paid for a speeding ticket, got my car checked out, saw some movies, went shopping, filed tax return (finally), even read an entire graphic novel (Watchmen: Awesome).
Haha notice how homework was no where to be found in that list. Anyway, coming back home and getting away from everything in college helped me put a lot of things in perspective. I actually saw my ex-girlfriend the other day, it was the weirdest thing, we didn't say a word to each other. Seeing her just made me realize how much time has past. When you come home for spring break and have nothing to do your inner Facebook creeper comes out. I find myself checking
people's status everytime I sign on, I may even check their status' more than I update my own, it's crazy. It's so frustrating sometimes though not knowing what is going on with people, relying on some website to tell me everything but maybe it's just my fault if things are that way. Maybe I just need to get outside, blogging and facebook has me out of my head. <('.'<)
"Live like lions not lamb." ~Anonymous
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