Peter Jackson is about to release his new movie District 9 this summer and I have a filling it's going to be controversial. When I saw the trailer in theaters my dad had already called the movie "racist." District 9 is about aliens who land on Earth and are given a specific piece of land by the U.S. government. Unknown to the aliens is the government has actually given them this land to gain access and knowledge to their weapons. During their stay in District 9 the aliens are mistreated by the U.S. and eventually team up with a federal agent who uncovers this entire scandal. The real controversy is the similarities between the treatment of the aliens in the movie and the real life treatment of non U.S. citizens in our country. Although illegal immigrants are not given a piece of land to inhabit in the U.S. there is something to be said about the exploitation of each population in each situation, one for the use of their technology and the other as a vital work force. Check out the viral video below the trailer and you can get a good feel for what the movie will be like. Whether for the good or the bad this movie will be the talk of the town when it hits the big screen. <('.'<)

It has absolutely nothing to do with the U.S., its about apartheid in South Africa.